Frequently Asked Questions

Can you complete assessments or provide a diagnosis?

No. We are a team of Registered Psychotherapists and Registered Social Workers, not Psychologists, Psychological Associates, or Psychiatrists. We do not provide diagnostic assessments nor diagnoses for clients, nor can we prescribe medications to treat clients. Should this be a route you are in need of, please do not hesitate to reach out and we can provide you with the appropriate resources to seek these services and supports.

How can counselling & psychotherapy help me?

Everyone needs help from time to time. Counselling and Psychotherapy services can help a person improve their mental health and well-being. By working together with a qualified therapist, a person learns how to bring about positive change in their thinking patterns, feelings, and behaviours that have otherwise negatively impacted their quality of life and relationships with others. Different modalities are available and together, we will discuss which one may be best for you and your goals.

What should I expect on my first visit?

During your first visit, you will be provided with two documents to review and sign: the Informed Consent & Client Agreement, as well as the Privacy & Confidentiality Statement. Any questions or concerns regarding these documents will be thoroughly discussed to ensure a complete understanding and comfortability moving forward. We will then go through a bit of background history and explore the circumstances that prompted you to make an appointment.

Next, we will review any counselling goals you may have and work together to determine a tailored plan moving forward to help to reach your therapy goals. We understand that therapy can be an overwhelming process for some and that trust is precious. We will always do our best to create a welcoming and safe environment for all our clients and encourage everyone to ask any questions they may have about the therapy process, whether it be during the first session or throughout future appointments.

How long will my appointment be?

Appointments are 50 minutes in length. Couples counselling and family therapy may be 60-90 minutes in length to accommodate the needs of all individuals involved, however this can be determined during the initial session.

What happens if I need to cancel or I miss a session?

We completely understand that life can be busy and unexpected things come up from time to time. We ask that if you do need to cancel an existing appointment, please try to do so 24-hours prior. We understand this is not always possible and we try to be accommodating to your needs and circumstances. Unless otherwise notified, an appointment that has not been attended 20-minutes past the scheduled start time is considered a missed appointment. A cancellation fee of $50.00 + HST may occur for missed or late cancelled appointments.

Are sessions covered through OHIP? What about insurance?

No, unfortunately sessions are not covered by OHIP however, many insurance companies are now accepting Registered Psychotherapists & Registered Social Workers. Please be sure to check with your insurance provider to see if psychotherapy services are covered. You will be provided with a receipt at the end of each session, detailing all the necessary information to submit to your insurance provider for reimbursement.

Will you take notes during our session? What happens to the notes?

We do not take notes during a session. Afterwards, we do complete a brief therapy note outlining the presenting concerns and plan moving forward. These notes are kept confidential and stored in a safe, secure manner. Limits of confidentiality apply and these will be reviewed during your first session, as outlined in the Privacy and Confidentiality Statement.

 If you have any questions that you do not see listed here, do not hesitate to Contact Us directly to discuss further.