Mental Health Services

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Individual Psychotherapy

Whether you are struggling with anxiety, depression, trauma, stress, low self-esteem, or simply not feeling content in your life, individual psychotherapy may be right for you. Sessions will often involve the use of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT), or other appropriate modalities that are best suited to your individual needs and that will help reach your counselling goals.

| 50 mins |

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Mindfulness-Based Psychotherapy

Mindfulness-based psychotherapy focuses on increasing a person’s conscious awareness of their thoughts, feelings, physical sensations and surrounding environment in the present moment, without judgement. Practicing mindfulness can help a person to learn more adaptive ways to cope with a difficult situation and reduce their stress over time to live a healthier and more peaceful life.

| 50 mins |

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Couples Counselling

Often times, couples are at a loss of how to communicate with one another and end up feeling disconnected, misunderstood or neglected in their relationship. Couples counselling can help partners learn how to effectively communicate their feelings and desires, address conflicts, and build/repair trust to ultimately strengthen their relationship and build a strong foundation moving forward.

| 50 mins |

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Family Therapy

Grief and loss, separation, divorce, a move or change in living situation, or other life challenges are just some of the struggles that family members can face. Family therapy can be a great avenue for all members of the family unit to feel heard, understood and express their needs while working towards conflict resolution and problem-solving in a safe, guided environment.

| 90 mins |


*All services provided by a Registered Psychotherapist are subject to HST, as mandated by the Canada Revenue Agency and Government of Canada.
**We are NOT Psychologists, nor Psychological Associates, and do not provide assessment, testing, or diagnoses

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