
My name is Danika Ferreira (she/her), and I am a yoga instructor at Water & Stone Yoga. I hold a Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Biology, a degree in Naturopathic Medicine, a 200-hour yoga teaching training certificate, and am currently completing a Master’s degree in Counselling Psychology. My background showcases my passion for helping folks work towards their version of whole-body wellness from head to toe, which I am honored to offer through individual and group yoga classes.

Although I have experience with many types of yoga, I am most inspired by teaching hatha, vinyasa, and restorative classes at the beginner and intermediate levels. My classes are rooted in mindfulness and strongly emphasize the relationship between mental and physical well-being. I aim to provide a playful, creative, and non-competitive environment that invites students to tune in to their curiosity and explore what their mind and body need at any given moment.

As I am dedicated to creating a compassionate and inclusive space for all students, my approach is trauma-informed and welcoming of all ages, bodies, backgrounds, gender identities, skill levels, and abilities. I firmly believe that everyone can practice yoga, which is why I am dedicated to creating classes with my students’ feedback and unique needs in mind. I am grateful for the opportunity to work together, and look forward to sharing my practice with you!

 If you have any questions, or wish to schedule a session with me, please do not hesitate to reach out!