Yoga & Wellness Services

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Private Yoga Sessions

Our private yoga sessions, led by Danika Ferreira, a Registered Psychotherapist (Q) and qualified Yoga Instructor, focuses on increasing a person’s conscious awareness of their thoughts, feelings, physical sensations and surrounding environment in the present moment, without judgement. Trained in both psychotherapy and yoga practice, this combination of skill allows a person to explore the depths of the mind-body connection, and release any emotions that may be weighing heavily on them. This practice can help a person to learn more adaptive ways to cope with a difficult situation and reduce their stress over time to live a healthier and more peaceful life.

60 mins | $90.00

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Semi-Private Yoga Classes
(3-5 people)

Classes are a great way to meet new people, interact with the community, and learn new ways to help and heal our bodies. Taught by Danika Ferreira, a Registered Psychotherapist (Q) and qualified Yoga Instructor, these classes are open to all experience levels! Whether you are looking for Restorative, Flow, Hatha, Vinyasa, or something in-between, classes may be exactly what your mind and body needs. We invite everyone to participate, and encourage feedback for upcoming classes.

60 mins | $30 per person


** All prices are subject to HST, and regulated by Canada Revenue Agency

Find your peace on the mat. Find your peace within.

Types of Yoga Teachings We Offer

  • Hatha Yoga, the foundation of many modern yoga styles, is a holistic approach to physical and mental well-being.

    Hatha, derived from “Ha” (sun) and “Tha” (moon), symbolizes the balance it aims to create within practitioners. This style of yoga seeks to create harmony between the mind and body by blending physical postures (asanas), controlled breathing (pranayama), and meditation.

    Hatha Yoga promotes an exploration of a wide range of asanas, each designed to target specific areas of the body and cultivate flexibility and strength. It also emphasizes the importance of breath awareness and pranayama. The breath is seen as a bridge between the mind and body, and through breath awareness, practitioners learn to calm the mind, reduce stress, and enhance mental clarity. Meditation is the final element, fostering self-awareness, inner peace, and a path to spiritual growth.

    Whether you’re seeking improved physical fitness, mental serenity, or a holistic approach to well-being, Hatha Yoga provides a time-tested framework for achieving these goals. The practice is commonly associated with stillness, precision, and alignment, and can be adapted for all skill levels. When you come to a Hatha class, you can expect a slow to medium-paced practice that emphasizes strength, flexibility, grounding, and stability.

  • Vinyasa Yoga, a type of Hatha Yoga often called “flow yoga” is a dynamic and mindful style of yoga that combines breath and movement to create a seamless, flowing practice. The heart of Vinyasa lies in its synchronization of breath with a series of postures, resulting in a continuous, dance-like sequence. Each inhalation and exhalation guide your transitions, allowing you to experience a profound connection between your breath and physical movements.

    Vinyasa Yoga offers physical benefits, like flexibility and strength, and those related to mental health. Its synchronization of breath and movement keeps you anchored in the present moment, promoting an increased sense of self-awareness, balance, mental clarity, and stress reduction.

    Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced practitioner, Vinyasa Yoga can be tailored to suit your skill level. The practice offers a wide range of poses and sequences, empowering you to progress at your own pace while challenging yourself.

    When you come to a Vinyasa class, you can expect a more physical practice that emphasizes fluidity, playfulness, and rhythm.

  • Restorative yoga is a profoundly therapeutic practice that focuses on nurturing the mind and body. It involves a small set of gentle postures supported by props, encouraging total relaxation. It stands out amidst the more dynamic forms of yoga as a haven of tranquility and restoration, offering a sanctuary from the fast-paced modern world.

    Restorative Yoga’s distinguishing features are its deliberate slow pace and the use of props. Each pose is held for an extended duration, typically 5 to 10 minutes, and is supported by props like bolsters, blankets, and blocks. This combination provides maximal comfort and ease so that practitioners can focus on deep breathing and relaxation.

    Restorative Yoga’s benefits include the release of physical tension, reduced stress and anxiety, better sleep quality, and an improved sense of self-awareness.

    In a world filled with constant busyness, Restorative Yoga invites you to slow down, unwind, and restore your mind and body. It’s a practice of self-care that encourages balance and harmony in our often hectic lives, making it a precious gift to oneself.

    When you come to a Restorative class, you can expect a gentle practice that emphasizes tranquility, stillness, and deep physical and mental relaxation.

Our Classes Offerings

Thursdays at 7:00PM: Hatha + Restorative Fusion

Our Hatha and Restorative Fusion Yoga classes offer a balance of stillness and slow, deliberate movements designed to immerse you in a tranquil atmosphere that promotes overall well-being.

In these slower-paced classes, you’ll experience deep mental and physical relaxation as you are guided to mindfully breathe through a small set of gentle poses, some of which will be supported by props. As you surrender into each pose, you’ll notice that it becomes easier to release any tension, stress, and anxiety that you may have accumulated throughout your day (or week, or year).

Our class is open to all levels, and our compassionate instructor will tailor guidance to meet you where you are in your yoga journey. Join us for a respite from the demands of daily life in a safe space that provides your mind and body with the rest they crave. The profound sense of peace you’ll experience will resonate long after the class ends.

Mondays at 7:00PM: Hatha + Vinyasa Fusion

Our Hatha and Vinyasa Fusion Yoga classes offer a balance of stillness and seamless flow designed to rejuvenate your body, soothe your mind, and nurture your mental well-being.

In these medium-paced classes, you’ll experience the joy of fluid movement in an environment that invites you to explore your playful side with curiosity and light-heartedness. Whether you’re a seasoned yogi or a beginner, our class encourages you to challenge your limits while honoring your body’s unique needs. With mindfulness at the heart of our practice, you will be guided to synchronize your breath with each movement to cultivate a profound presence that extends beyond your mat.

Our class is open to all levels, and our compassionate instructor will tailor guidance to meet you where you are in your yoga journey. Rediscover your inner child, embrace the beauty of fluid movement, and cultivate a tranquil mind that will serve you both on and off the mat.

Note: Laughter and smiles are welcome.